Fau Gagana Podcast. A Samoan nurse's perspective on mental health.

Counselling. Fa'atalanoaga malu puipuia mo le to'afilemu ole mafaufau.

Dr Ioana Mulipola Season 1 Episode 12

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This episode focus on counselling, the benefit of talking to a counsellor in your own language to find solutions to achieve peace with self and others, as well as learning coping skills. Registered Counsellor Misa Fia Turner is our guest for this episode.  Apology in advance for the slight echo in the audio.

Ole polokalame e talanoaina ai le counselling po'o fa'a talanoaga malu puipuia e fesoasoani e fa'ato'a filemu le mafaufau, ma silafia ai ni auala e fesoasoani ai i mafatiaga ole mafaufau i le tatou gagana Samoa.  Ole Afioga ia Misa Fia Turner o le'a talanoaina lenei mataupu.  Fa'amalulu atu ona o lo'o iai se echo la'ititi ile tatou fa'atalanoaga.

Te Whatu Ora : https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/
Faugagana Practice: www.faugaganapractice.com