Fau Gagana Podcast. A Samoan nurse's perspective on mental health.

Psychological MH Service. O le auaunaga i totonu o gasegase fa'afuase'i- emergency

September 01, 2024 Dr Ioana Mulipola Season 1 Episode 7

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A Samoan  NZ Registered Nurse Ainoama Scanlan shared her experience working in the Mental Health Psychological and Medicine services in the Emergency Department.  She shared the most common challenges she experience in her role and her advise on ways to health and wellbeing for our listeners.

Ole tama'ita'i tausi soifua o Ainoama Scanlan o le'a fa'asoa i lenei polokalame lona silafia ile galue ai i totonu ole Mental health ile Emergency care.  O le'a fa'asoa mai ai va'aiga o lo'o ia mata'ituina o feagai ma o tatou tagata pe'a fa'aogaina lea auaunaga.  E a'afia ai ma fautuaga mo le aufa'afofoga aua le va'aia fa'alelei ole soifua manuia ole mafaufau.

Ministry of health website: https://www.health.govt.nz/
Faugagana Podcast: https://faugaganapodcast.buzzsprout.com/